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The Black Cap Community (BC2) is a transformative year-long program designed to empower current & aspiring entrepreneurs in the Full-Service Restaurant (FSR) and Quick-Service Restaurant (QSR) sectors. This comprehensive initiative aims to equip participants with the professional and up to date knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to develop their FSR | QSR business concepts, prepare asset materials. Once completed, all aspects have been given a thumbs up and you will be given an opportunity to  confidently pitch your concept ideas for potential funding to a selected diverse curated group of motivated diverse Angel Investors and or submit to the Small Business Administration for (SBA) financing.

Program Structure: BC2 consists of 12 monthly group Zoom meetings, each focusing on a specific module led by experienced professionals currently active in the FSR/QSR industry. This structure ensures that participants receive up-to-date insights and practical guidance relevant to today’s market dynamics.

This yearly seminar is $399 Monthly can be paid by: Apple Pay, Venmo, Zelle, Cash App

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